CAPiTA Spring Break Powder Racer Snowboard 2024

CAPiTA Spring Break Powder Racer Snowboard 2024

Best Price $419.96

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Product Description

CAPiTA Spring Break Powder Racer Snowboard 2024 - 154 | Silk

The Ultimate Snowboard for Thrilling Powder Adventures! 🏂

Looking for a snowboard that can handle any powder challenge? Look no further than the CAPiTA Spring Break Powder Racer Snowboard 2024. Designed with the avid snowboarder in mind, this board is built to deliver maximum float and snappy maneuverability in the trees, while also tearing up groomers with ease.

Max Float and Snappy Maneuverability

The CAPiTA Spring Break Powder Racer Snowboard features a light Hover Core(TM) and plenty of surface area, ensuring you stay on top of the powder and effortlessly navigate through the trees. Experience the thrill of carving through fresh powder like never before!

Surf Camber for Lightning-Fast Performance

With the Surf Camber design, this snowboard gets you up on top of the powder in a flash. The camber profile provides excellent edge hold and control, allowing you to confidently tackle any slope. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, the CAPiTA Spring Break Powder Racer Snowboard will take your snowboarding skills to new heights.

Powder Drive(TM) Base for Unmatched Speed

The Powder Drive(TM) Base is dynamic, durable, and easy to maintain. This base material is specially formulated for the extra-wide chassis of the Spring Break Powder Division, ensuring lightning-fast speed through the trees and over the flats. Say goodbye to sluggish rides and hello to exhilarating speed!

Multitech(TM) Level 3 DeepSpace(TM) Silkscreen

The CAPiTA Spring Break Powder Racer Snowboard features the innovative Multitech(TM) Level 3 DeepSpace(TM) Silkscreen. This design theory takes advantage of the thickness of a transparent topsheet, creating graphics that come to life with depth and vibrancy. Stand out on the slopes with this visually stunning snowboard.

Flex Rating 5 for Versatile Performance

With a flex rating of 5 (1 Soft - 10 Stiff), the CAPiTA Spring Break Powder Racer Snowboard strikes the perfect balance between playfulness and responsiveness. It offers enough flex for easy maneuverability in powder and on groomers, making it a versatile choice for riders of all skill levels.

Stainless Steel 2 x 4 Inserts for Customizable Stance

The CAPiTA Spring Break Powder Racer Snowboard is equipped with stainless steel 2 x 4 inserts, allowing you to easily adjust and customize your stance for optimal comfort and performance. Find your perfect riding position and conquer the slopes with confidence.

Don't miss out on the exhilarating experience of riding the CAPiTA Spring Break Powder Racer Snowboard 2024. Get yours today and take your snowboarding adventures to the next level! 🏂❄️

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